Thursday, January 25, 2007

Man convicted in shooting of abortion provider

James Kopp, an anti-abortion extremist who is currently serving a 25-to-life sentence for murdering a doctor who provided abortions, was found guilty of targeting and killing Dr. Barnett Slepian on Thursday. While Kopp had already been sent to jail for violating the federal Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, an act that prohibits people from using physical force upon both people who enter abortion/reproductive health care facilities
and those who work in these facilities. When Kopp is sentenced, he could face life in prison without parole. Kopp is quoted to have said that he was not trying to kill Dr. Slepian, rather juts injure him so he couldn't go to work the next day.

While the pro-choice vs. pro-life debate will rage on for years, this act goes above and beyond. Extremists like Kopp don't provide any beneficial service(s) for anti-abortionists, and only contribute to people creating negative typecasts about these groups. I agree with the sentencing on a whole, and I also agree with the notion that: “If you want to injure a person, you don't shoot them with a high-powered rifle.”

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