Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Key Farc role in US cocaine trade

The United States have recognized the 'Farc,' a Columbian guerrilla army whom account for 9/10 grams of cocaine coming out of Columbia. 90% of cocaine in the United States comes from Columbia. The United States have given 3 billion dollars in aid to Columbia in order for their government to fight off the major issue of cocaine, however the military aid issued has been largely unsuccessful thus far. It is thought that the Farc makes between 500 million and 1 billion per year on trafficking cocaine. The DEA believe they are winning the war against cocaine, as another major militant group in Columbia is demobilizing. However, no matter how much money the U.S. government pumps into Columbia, more needs to be sent in as Columbia accounts for 70% of the entire world's cocaine supply.

The issue of cocaine is obviously a major one, as it has created turmoil and exploitation in Columbia for years now. Child labor is a major issue in the production of cocaine, and militant groups monitor cocaine fields and plants closely, keeping especially tight tabs on their child workers. Due to the military involvement in this matter, cocaine production and trafficking is extremely dangerous and obviously illegal, but it remains to be one of Columbia's major exports. The battle against cocaine is an interesting topic because it combines so many facets of illegality, and it has become a major issue in U.S. politics.


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