Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Over 50 dead in Baghdad attacks

More than 50 people have been killed in a series of blasts and bombings in Baghdad. The worst bombing came in Sadr City, where a car bomb went off, leaving 30 people killed and dozens injured. A car bombing earlier in the day left 10 others dead, and a variety of small bombs and shootings left the final 10 killed. Car and suicide bombings has become a daily occurrence in Baghdad. The bombings in Sadr City obviously proved to be the worst, when a suicide bomber blew up the car he was sitting in, on a busy city street. As a result of the bombings, at least thirty people have been detained in connection to the militant group suspected of carrying out the bombings.

The thought that suicide bombings are now a daily happening in countries around the world is a disturbing one. It is hard to imagine that people are in fear for their lives everyday in Iraq, as the conflict has grown to be so extensive that thoughts such as these are quite rational. Seeing media coverage of events like these is a commonplace event, and it seems that North Americans have become desensitized to the events that are occurring simply because they happen so often. I wonder how long these conflicts will last, and what means it will take to resolve them...

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